Hello, friends!
Today is a wonderful day to share with you another lovely story about our colleague and her true friend. This article is about Cherry and Maria — they are true friends, sweethearts, and, of course, delight us with their visits to the office.
Also, please take note of Cherry's new collar with our company logo!
Please tell us a little about your dog, including name, age, breed, etc. How would you describe your dog's personality?
My dog's name is Cherry; she's four years old and a mixed breed. Cherry was found as a puppy on the streets, but her first owners were not able to keep her anymore. My volunteer friend told me about Cherry, and I decided to take her in.
Cherry is a typical extrovert. She's friendly, sociable, and always ready for new adventures. As an introvert myself, it was a bit challenging at first because Cherry wants to meet absolutely everyone! But over the past two years, we've grown accustomed to each other and adapted. She pays more attention to me during walks, and I've become accustomed to regularly meeting new people.
What inspired you to bring your dog to the office?
I had previous experience working in a dog-friendly office before joining LeverX and getting Cherry. Back then, I noticed how wonderful it is when you can bring your dog to the office. One of our managers had a Shiba Inu, which never missed a single workday and mostly just happily slept while their owner was busy in meetings or visited one of us briefly to get some affection and then returned to nap.
Ask any dog owner, and they'll confirm that a dog's greatest happiness is just being close to its owner. So, when I joined LeverX and found out I could bring my dog to the office, I was thrilled — I had the opportunity to have a dog and be confident that she would spend enough time with me!
Have you noticed any positive changes in the office atmosphere since your dog started coming to work?
Recently, I've been working from home, but I bring Cherry to the office whenever I go, so it's hard for me to remember the atmosphere without her. When we arrive at the office, all my colleagues come to say hello and pet her whenever they can. It adds warmth and variety to informal interactions and provides a few extra reasons to smile during the day.
How do you balance work responsibilities with your dog's daily needs?
I make sure to give Cherry a good morning and evening walk so she sleeps during the day. When we greet everyone at the office, she observes me working for a while and then falls asleep. So, there are no difficulties in balancing — the only interruption might be to check if she has water in her bowl.
How does your dog interact with other office dogs?
As I mentioned earlier, Cherry is very friendly and sociable, so if there's no aggression from the other side, the interaction follows the usual routine: they sniff each other, may play around a bit, and then go back to their owners. It's somewhat counterintuitive, but dogs don't interact with each other as much as you might think. Even the most hyperactive doggy friends can put on a show for a few minutes but eventually calm down and go to sleep. If there's any sign of animosity between dogs, we simply separate them to different parts of the office, and any budding conflict quickly dissipates.
What's your dog's favorite spot in the office, and why?
No, she doesn't have a specific favorite spot. The only essential criterion for Cherry's comfortable spot is that she can watch me without obstacles. Usually, I lay out a special travel blanket for her under a desk in a quiet place. But if she decides the view from there isn't good enough, she'll find another spot. And, of course, if I go somewhere, like the kitchen, she must come with me.
Any tips for maintaining a pet-friendly workplace?
The primary condition for maintaining a friendly environment is the calm and relaxation of the dog itself. If you don't achieve this state, other efforts won't be as effective.
Cherry had difficulty being indoors other than at home; she would start whining, barking, and wanting to go outside. So, we practiced in nearby cafes, gradually increasing the time spent and getting used to the presence of strangers. I started bringing her to the office only after we achieved calmness in the cafe. The only remaining sign of her anxiety is the need to bark loudly a few times after entering a new place, but it doesn't bother anyone and even lets my colleagues know that there's someone to pet.
In addition, you need to ensure that your dog has clean water and a comfortable place to rest – that's quite sufficient.
Where else do you enjoy taking your dog, apart from the office? Which places would you like to have the opportunity to bring your dog to?
In Lithuania, the dog-friendly trend is quite widespread, so with a dog, you can go almost anywhere except for certain government institutions like the post office. In Vilnius, two shopping centers allow dogs, and we happily take advantage of this. Additionally, Cherry and I visit cafes, coffee shops, and bars, and even once attended a concert.
We arrived before the show began; Cherry sniffed around and then settled to sleep at my feet. The music and singing didn't bother her at all. However, when Ales asked the audience to participate in an interactive part and make noise, clap, and tap on the table after a certain phrase in the song, Cherry was the first to burst into cheerful barking, greatly amusing the audience.
As for places I'd like to have the opportunity to bring my dog, I would say airplanes. Cherry is not a very large dog (11-12 kg), but according to regulations, she can't be brought into the cabin, and flying in the cargo hold is a tremendous stress for a dog. So, air travel is currently inaccessible to us, and I would love to change that.
What essentials do you recommend having when bringing a dog to work?
The most important thing is water; it should always be readily available. A few treats can also be handy to distract and occupy your dog if necessary. A mat or bed will help your dog feel more secure and relaxed. I prefer a mat because it's easier to carry and can even be placed on a cafe couch or a train seat for your dog to sit with you. If your dog responds well to toys, you can use them to replace or supplement treats.